14: How to be sexual/sexy AND feel safe in this world
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When you are radical and bold with your sexual energy, and you conduct yourself from that sexyness, you inevitably attract people’s energy, you become magnetic, but there are certain moments when you could feel nervous, scared, intimidated and, in general, unsafe with the type of attention that has been given to you.
While there is a valid reason to feel that way, you can build resilience and strength, and program your nervous system to protect yourself and your energy.
As you start to work on your pleasure and your sexuality, and you start feeling energetically gorgeous, your behavior changes not only in the bedroom but in all areas of your life. You emanate a type of energy that is irresistibly attractive to men and women and they start to respond to how you move, how you talk, how you behave and how you carry yourself in general. If you are starting this journey, know that all this doesn’t have to be a reason for you to stop discovering, enjoying and showing up as the sexual, sensual adult woman that you are. Your transformation is magical, fun and relevant, so remember, you get to choose how you show up.
In this episode:
From visualizations to personal defense, in this episode inspired by a follower, Erika shares with you six strategies to feel more confident, empowered and in control of how you react to the world around you, so that you can decide for yourself and choose how you want to be perceived and how you really want to do with and respond to the attention you get.
“When we want to transform anything in our lives, but specifically when it comes to sexuality because it can be so connected to deep fear, deep conditioning, strong emotions like shame, etc., and fear of consequences, right? It's important to know and ask yourself, ‘am I afraid of the result or am I afraid of the journey?’. Often times it’s one out of the two” [09:43 ]
“We can operate from the same kind of smallness or power dynamic or hierarchy as if we still were that little kid, that little girl with strangers or with other adults in life as an adult. So you have to make sure that you understand that ‘I am an adult now and I set my own rules, now I get to be the adult, now I am at the top of that hierarchy, now I am the one who is deciding what the consequences are, who gets to do what and I am sovereign and autonomous’ ”[14:55]
“How do I reject a suggestion from someone that I don’t know. Why do I care so much about a stranger’s feelings that I override my own authentic feeling and I completely disregard and ignore what my body and mind, and spirit and pussy are telling me?” [18:25]