The Sexual Seasons
I’m SO happy to share this with you because I know it can have a game-changing affect on how you understand your body and sexuality.
According to the Taoist tradition, it’s important to see human health and life as cycling through all of nature's seasons. It’s even more important to honor every step of the way.
This concept has greatly impacted how I see myself as a sexual woman but also every sexual encounter.
Sexually, we can identity and honour the four seasons:
The experience of winter includes rest and rejuvenation. It’s an inward movement and a sense of deep, still power. It can include meditation and quiet. It looks still on the outside, but there’s really a lot of rejuvenation going on underneath the surface.
A lot of women feel like they are ALWAYS in sexual winter. That’s because you can get “STUCK” there, if you don’t rest when your body/pussy is telling you to. Or if you constantly judge and criticize yourself when you’re not having the best sex or feeling super horny.
Our crazy modern society puts these impossible expectations on us, we should GO GO GO all the time, make MORE MORE MORE money, be HAPPY all the fucking time and do ALL THINGS. Our society does not respect and encourage being in a state of winter, so I invite you to reclaim it as something positive and very necessary.
Winter holds the key to your greatest wisdom and power. While it looks like death or nothingness, it carries the seeds of life within this experience.
Winter is deep yin.
Applying this to your life
The seasons are applicable to all areas of life, but it’s beautiful to see how perfectly they can describe the sexual states we move through.
You can even put a single sexual experience into this concept and it makes sense. Moving from winter (not in the mood/turned off), to spring (foreplay), to summer (sex + orgasm) and lastly to fall (rest and integration).
I encourage you to look at your sexuality through this lens but also looking at your pleasure as the weather.
Sometimes it rains, sometimes it’s windy, sometimes it’s sunny. You can dislike it, but you don’t judge the weather. It just is. Approach your body with the same acceptance and respect and it will respond to you much better.
This seasonal framework also helps us normalize why we can’t be horny all the time, and why it seems like nothing is happening sometimes and then BOOM you’re sexually alive again. It explains why you need rest, integration, healing, so you can bloom. You can't bloom all year round.
With the right support, awareness and tools, you can learn to healthily move through your sexual season and harness the power and wisdom in each season so that you stay connected to your path of evolution and growth.
Sometimes you just need to honor your current season, and sometimes you need practices and support to move out of it, so you keep rotating through all of the seasons.
No season is “good” or “right”. Just like nature, all seasons make sense and are important for the ecosystem.
However, the sexual season can skip seasons, they don’t necessarily follow nature’s order, so don’t be surprised if you go from winter straight to summer, or from fall to spring.
If you’re in winter, know that this is the perfect place to can gently begin your journey here with so much curiosity about what is there, start slow and feel what’s alive and be open to whatever seasons you will experience as you explore and practice.
Hope this inspired you and gave you a helpful framework to understand yourself better and treat yourself with more kindness and compassion.
Your body is amazing and perfect.
With Love,