Own your TURN-OFF
Hi Love,
I usually talk about and encourage you to cultivate your turn-on so you can be enjoying sex and pleasure all day, every day. Just kidding, that’s an exaggeration but you get what I mean.
But today, I want to acknowledge and validate your turn-off.
It's okay.
It's okay to not feel like having sex.
It's perfectly normal, natural and common to experience a decrease in desire and turn-on.
In fact, it's healthy and part of life's rhythm and cycles.
You can’t be gushingly wet or rock hard all the time.
You can't be in the mood 365, 24/7.
You're not meant to.
Just like flowers don't bloom all the time, so shouldn't you expect your sexuality to be in full bloom all the time.
Your body needs rest, needs to integrate and a pause from sex is not a sign that your body or relationship is broken.
Maybe it's just time to rest and focus on other things for a while, and you will notice that your desire will naturally return and bloom again.
If that doesn't happen, well that's another situation... and doing regular self-pleasure and sensuality practices definitely helps!
BUT, everyone experiences the ebb and flow of desire.
Make space for this in your life and relationship.
Don't freak out.
See what happens if you accept it.
Welcome it.
Work WITH it. It’s okay.
PS. Next week I’ll share more about this topic through the lens of the sexual seasonal cycles, so stay tuned!