41: Healing journey from dormant pleasure to a rekindled life - Interview with Sofia


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When you feel like you can't easily change anything in your sexuality and that things are static and stagnant, bring in new approaches and techniques to your life! Like the six holistic sex tools Erika describes in this episode. They can revolutionize your pleasure and your orgasms and open up the doors to sexual expansion. 

Having sex and self pleasuring are two things that yo do in the exact same way almost every time. If what you do works, great! But when it doesn't, or if you just want to magnify your pleasure and your experiences, it is a good idea to learn and practice life-changing techniques that help you revolutionize the way you live your sexuality and your sexual experiences. 

You already master some of those techniques in your day to day life, but most probably you don't do them intentionally during sex or self pleasure, but this changes today!

Tune in to learn THE 6 tools and techniques that you can start implementing right away if you want to have more and better orgasms, better solo and partnered sex, and an improved and expanded sexual experiences in general.

In this episode: 

  1. The difference between self pleasure and masturbation 

  2. The six holistic techniques explained one by one

  3. Breathing

  4. Sounding

  5. Movement

  6. Focus

  7. Energy

  8. Intention

  9. How to start incorporating these techniques into your sexual practices. 

Related Episodes:

02: Self-pleasure vs. Masturbation

 08: The 5 Essential Tools to be TURNED ON

15: Get to know your Pleasure Landscape

38: The 4 key pleasure techniques you need to know about

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