Why getting older is a GOOD thing!

Who cares about growing older when you know that your sexual prime is in your 60+?!

"SAY WHAT? My sexuality peaks in my 60's?"

Yup, that's right. Let me explain..⁣

First of all, in my opinion, being young is fucking overrated. Like, hugely overrated. 

Who wants to be an immature child, an ignorant 20' something year old for the rest of their lives?

Why as a culture and society have we idolised youth to the point that we try to do all in our power to erase all signs of aging. It fucking baffles me. (actually, it makes so much sense – it’s easy to capitalize on it!) 

However! Youthfulness is great! 

Youthfulness is definitely something to cultivate. With youthfulness, I mean qualities such as playfulness, creativity, exuberance, joyfulness, laughter, childlike curiosity and joy. 

But being young – no thanks. You can be young and immature for all you like, but I'd rather age and mature and have some wrinkles and saggy boobs to show for it.

And you know what.. I actually find signs of aging ON WOMEN beautiful. To reach this place, I’ve had to do some serious de-conditiong of my beliefs and standards of beauty. 

It has helped me tremendously to consume social media material that showcases real, mature women without filters and fillers and all the BS… if you want to enjoy feeling this way too, I’ll suggest some IG accounts at the bottom of this email. 

But let’s talk a little more about aging and maturity and specifically, sexual maturity. 

It takes time to get to know your body, to reclaim pleasure and own your desires and to mature into giving zero fucks about what other people think and live your life from that liberated place.

I’m in my mid-thirties now. 10 years ago I was fucking clueless about so many things, including my sexuality… and I imagine I’ll feel the some about my current self 10 years from now. ⁣

It’s so important to believe that as you grow older, things get better. Because they do, if you want them to. 

It’s also important to know, that as a woman ages and goes through menopause, her sexuality shifts from being fertility-focused to being purely pleasure and creativity focused.

So all that energy that would have gone into making babies and motherhood (a LOT of energy), can now be invested in her own pleasure, expansion and power. The Taoists call this the "second spring". I know women in their 60's and 70's who are having the fucking time of their lives and the best sex ever. 

Let me repeat that…  I know women in their 60's and 70's who are having the best sex ever. 


⁣So next time it's your birthday and you start worrying about getting older, or new signs of aging, I invite you to get really fucking excited – you’re one year closer to the best sex of your life.

IG accounts I highly recommend to see real women, wrinkles and all

You can start with And.Blooms amazing IG account, and then click into suggestions from there. 

Feel free to enjoy this incredible account, Sciuraglam, showing rich, glamorous Milanes grandmas. #goals

And lastly, two of my favorite silver foxes – Licia and Lady Silver, both 80+ and killing it. 

Hope this inspired you to feel more expansive towards getting older.



PS. It’s NEVER too late for anything. Until you’re dead. Then it’s too late (for this lifetime). 


A Sex-Positive Mantra


Motherhood & Sexuality – are they compatible?!